Vanlife accessories: always have the right things with you!

Frau trinkt Kaffee in ihrem Wohnwagen-Bett. Gemütliche Innenausstattung mit Vanlife-Deko.

Things that make your adventures better" perfectly describes the value of good camping accessories. Because it's about things that are both practical and beautiful, so that you can feel as comfortable on the road as you do at home. To give you an idea of what equipment you could use for your camping vehicle, we are happy to contribute a few ideas.

Whether you're enjoying vanlife for a camping weekend, planning a big trip or living in a van, it's all about having the right accessories. After all, a lack of important everyday items or practical equipment can make your camping trip considerably more complicated. Yet the charm of van life is minimalist and simple travel.

That's why in this article we've focused on the camping must-haves that will make your adventures even better.


Whether in a camper or motorhome, storage space is limited. That's why you should make sure you take clothes and shoes with you that are multifunctional. This means that you can wear the individual items of clothing and shoes on several occasions.

Shoes: These three categories have proven themselves
  • Hiking boots: suitable for hiking and as shoes on cold days
  • Sports shoes: are perfect for jogging, shopping and everyday wear
  • Sandals: on sunny days, as slippers and for showering
Clothing: Equipped for any weather
  • Rain jacket
  • Fleece jacket
  • Pullover
  • Shirt/blouse
  • Long pants
  • Shorts
  • Dress/Jumpsuit
  • T-shirts & Tops
  • Underwear + bras
  • Stockings (thick & thin)
  • pyjamas
  • Swimsuit
  • UV shirt (as sun protection when snorkeling or surfing)
  • Sunglasses

With this small list you are equipped for all eventualities. It will give you an idea of what you should take with you on your trip. Depending on when and where you are traveling, you will need more or less warm things.


Frau im Van, trocknet Wäsche auf einer zwischen Camper und Baum gespannten Leine.

So that you can continue to "smell good" in the van, a load of freshly washed laundry is always a good idea.

  • Water,
  • an extra wash bowl (if you don't have a mobile washbasin have a mobile sink),
  • biodegradable soap and
  • a washing line

are all you need. The advantage of environmentally friendly soap is that you can simply pour out the water outside.

To avoid wasting valuable storage space, a foldable washing bowl is ideal for doing the laundry. Even more space-saving, however, is a mobile all-round solution such as the BOXIO-Wash. You can use it in a variety of ways: as a camping sink, to wash your dishes; as a mobile washbasin, to wash your hands and as a wash bowl, to wash your clothes.

Produktbild BOXIO-Wash

To dry your clothes, you can, for example, stretch a simple line between the camper and the tree. Or you can buy a multi-row washing line and attach it directly to the window of your van using suction cups.

BOXIO - WASH | Mobile washbasin

Whether it's for washing your hands after using the toilet, washing up in between or brushing your teeth in the evening - make sure you get our portable camping sink!
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Mobiles Waschbecken


Mann duscht mit faltbarer Dusche am Camper.

If you're traveling by van, you won't have a bathroom. You can always head to campsites and shower there, but having your own camping shower gives you more flexibility.

Showering outdoors is pretty simple with a shower bag. You fill it with water, use the sun to heat the water and can shower off with the hand shower.

Here too, biodegradable shower gel and shampoo are a must, as the water goes straight into the ground.

💡Tip: Look around for all-in-one solutions. For example, you can combine shower gel, shampoo, laundry detergent and washing-up liquid in one product instead of taking lots of individual bottles with you.

#4 Van accessories: sleep as well as at home

Frau schläft entspannt im Camper.

A good night's sleep is essential if you want to relax and enjoy the most beautiful places during your road trip. After all, nobody wants to feel like they're constantly "exhausted" on the road. That's why a good mattress is one of the camping must-haves that should never be underestimated! What is important when choosing?

  • Good mattresses support the shoulder and pelvic area so that your spine doesn't sag and you get up refreshed in the morning.
  • Pillows and four-season comforters increase your sleeping comfort in addition to the mattress. Which pillows you use depends on your personal preference. As a rule of thumb, however, the wider your shoulders, the higher the pillow should be.
    In order to have the right bedding in your camper all year round, we recommend a four-season comforter. When it's colder, you can simply button this together with the second blanket.


Everything tastes better outdoors! The simplest dishes taste like they come from a 5-star kitchen. And it's wonderful to make a coffee on the camping stove in the morning while enjoying the view of nature.

In addition to the standard cooking accessories, we have also picked out three gadgets that you might not think of straight away.

  1. Barbecue basket

Mann mit Bart hebt Grillkorb und anderes BBQ-Zubehör hoch.

With a barbecue basket, you can grill anything - fish, meat, potatoes and other vegetables. And simply over the campfire without the need for a complicated construction. Two large stones are all you need to place the barbecue basket over the fire. Barbecue baskets are quickly ready for use and take up very little space compared to other barbecues.

  1. Compressor cool box

Freunde sitzen auf Decke am Strand und genießen gemeinsam ein kühles Bier.

With this camping accessory, you can always look forward to a cold beer and store your perishable food. Anyone who has tried different cool boxes knows that this is not always guaranteed.

Simple insulated cool boxes that you fill with ice packs and ice will only last for a weekend trip. They are therefore out of the question for longer trips.

Cool boxes that you run on electricity, gas or your cigarette lighter can cool a maximum of 20 degrees compared to the ambient temperature. This means that if you are on the beach at 40 degrees, your food and beer will only be "cooled" to 20 degrees.

A compressor cooler is independent of the ambient temperature and a vanlife accessory that no one who has tried it would want to do without.

  1. Shatterproof crockery

Wohnmobil im Hintergrund, im Vordergrund verschiedenes Geschirr auf einem Tisch zum Trocknen.

Between enamel mugs and plastic tableware, there is also shatterproof glass. This allows you to combine the aesthetics of glass with practicality. Because enamel and plastic tableware discolors and quickly looks nasty. With shatterproof glass tableware, you can drive over potholes or drop plates without breaking them.


Mann chillt in der Hängematte am Flussufer zwischen zwei Bäumen.

The hammock is one of the camping classics. Many hammocks are made from parachute silk, which means you can stow them away extremely compactly. This chill-out accessory doesn't take up much space in the camper, but allows you to relax wherever you want.


Freunde wärmen sich am Lagerfeuer. Im Hintergrund der Camper und eine Lichterkette.

Different light sources combined create a beautiful atmosphere. That's why fairy lights increase the feel-good factor enormously.

Dimmable camping lights are also useful accessories. On the one hand, they shine brightly, which is worth its weight in gold in some situations, while on the other hand, when dimmed, they create a cozy ambience. So they fulfill two functions at once.


Wohnwagen auf Campingplatz im Wald mit Solar Panel.

With a solar panel, you can use the sun's energy to charge your electric toothbrushes, computer and cell phone batteries. You can either install the panel permanently on the roof of your camper or use a mobile solar panel that you can simply take with you to the beach.


Frau auf Wiese hält Toilettenpapier in der Hand, sucht nach Möglichkeit sich im Freien zu erleichtern.

If you're going to be traveling with your van for a longer period of time, then you definitely need your own toilet. You can do the thing with the spade and burying it in the forest, but there are situations where it's impractical. Even during Corona, when sanitary facilities were closed, all campers had to be self-sufficient. In other words, having your own toilet on board was a prerequisite for being allowed to go camping at all. And let's be honest, at night and when it's raining cats and dogs, nobody wants to walk for miles to finally do their business.

What are the options?

You can use a mobile chemical toilet. This uses chemicals to decompose waste. This makes a foul-smelling mess and emptying it is unpleasant. Not to mention the fact that chemicals are harmful to the environment.

With our BOXIO separating toilet we offer you an environmentally friendly and odor-free solution that works completely without water. In a handy format of 400 x 300 x 280 mm (L x W x H with lid), there is space for this toilet everywhere - in every trunk, in every bus.

How exactly does the urine-diverting toilet work?

The stylish Euroboxes contain two different collection containers: a leak-proof canister that collects the urine and a container for the "big business". We recommend first lining this container with a compostable bag so that you can dispose of everything even more easily. Put a handful of litter in the bag and off you go. You use the toilet like any normal toilet. You can throw the toilet paper in the waste bin, again odor-binding litter over it and you're done.

After eight to ten visits to the toilet, you can close the bag and simply dispose of it in the bin. Pour the urine canister into the nearest toilet or dilute it with water and pour it into the forest.

What are the advantages of the urine-diverting toilet?

  • Odor formation: There is virtually no odor in the urine-diverting toilet. How is that possible? The fact that large and small are separated from each other prevents the formation of smelly ammonia. In addition, the litter absorbs moisture and binds odors.
  • Sustainability: We make sure that we only use recycled plastic during production. As the toilet works entirely without chemicals and the natural waste materials can also be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way, we have a sustainable concept here.


Vanlife accessories are designed to make your adventures better. In what way? To make living and traveling in a campervan fun, it shouldn't be too complicated. Everything you need for everyday life on your travels must be simple and space-saving. That's why we rely on well thought-out all-round solutions.

BOXIO - TOILET PLUS | Separating toilet with starter set

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